Monday, December 30, 2019

ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ...

ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ... ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ... ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing on Autonomous VehiclesNov. 3, 2017 (Far left) Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), co-chair of the Congressional Robotics Caucus, provided opening remarks at the recent briefing on autonomous vehicles. Also taking part in the briefing were (at the table, left to right) moderator Said Jahanmir, president-nominee of ASME, Joe Jarzombek of Synopsys Inc., Chuck Thorpe of Clarkson University and chair of the ASME Robotics Public Policy Task Force, Constantine Samaras of Carnegie Mellon University, and Finch Fulton from the Transportation Policy Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy. ASME recently partnered with the Robotics Caucus Advisory Committee and the Congressional Robotics Caucus to convene a briefing for Congressional staff on the anticipated arrival and integration of auto mated vehicles (AVs) into the United States transportation infrastructure.The Congressional Robotics Caucus, chaired by Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA) and Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), focuses on issues facing the robotics industry, including technological as well as legal and regulatory challenges. Both Congressmen Woodall and Doyle addressed the audience during the event, which took place Oct. 24 in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill, and shared their excitement for the economic and societal benefits AV technology will provide, while also expressing their commitment to addressing policy concerns. The briefing was co-hosted by IEEE-USA and Carnegie Mellon University, who are members of the Robotics Caucus Advisory Committee along with ASME. (Left to right) Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA) speaks with ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir at the Congressional briefing on autonomous vehicles. Congressman Woodall also delivered opening remarks at the event, which was hel d Oct. 24. In addition to hearing from the Caucus co-chairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary Finch Fulton spoke to the role of the Federal government in integrating automated vehicles. He remarked that the U.S. Department of Transportation recently released new guidelines for automated driving systems in A Vision for Safety 2.0, and is already working on version 3.0 to be released in 2018.After the opening remarks, incoming ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir, Ph.D., moderated the panel session featuring experts who provided their insights on where the government should play a role and what issues the government should be addressing proactively. Panelists included Chuck Thorpe, Ph.D., chair of the ASME Robotics Public Policy Task Force and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Clarkson University Constantine Samaras, Ph.D., assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and Joe Jarzombek, global manager of the Software Integrity Group at Sy nopsys Inc. A crowd of 86, primarily consisting of Congressional staffers, attended the briefing at the Rayburn House Office Buildings House Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Room.The speakers offered insightful remarks on the specific challenges the government must be thinking about while researchers and industry race towards full AV integration. During the event, it became clear that while the benefits automated vehicles promise are vast, AVs face major societal obstacles as they are integrated into society, such as how to deter malicious activities aimed at connected vehicles, where and to what extent the technology should be utilized, and how to prepare a sufficient infrastructure that moves at the same pace as the technology. All of the panelists noted that it is necessary for policymakers to consider unterstellung far-reaching impacts as technologists continue to improve and innovate AV capabilities.To learn more about the Congressional Robotics Caucus, visit http//r Samantha Fijacko, Government Relations

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)

This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)We all know that sitting for long periods is bad for you, even deadly. However, fruchtwein studies have not followed a group of people over a long period of time while tracking their sedentary behavior. When researchers at Columbia University did, they made a shocking find about which sort of sitting is the worst when it comes to the risk of heart disease and death.Hint its not sitting at a desk all day, its what many people do afterthat sacking out in front of the TV, oftentimes for a large number of hours. Thats the sort of sitting that poses real health risks, researchers found.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIt may be that most people tend to watch television for hours without moving, while most workers get up from their desk fr equently, explained study author Keith M. Diaz, assistant professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University, in a release. The combination of eating a large meal such as dinner and then sitting for hours could also be particularly harmful.More research is needed, but its possible that just taking a short break from your TV time and going for a walk may be enough to offset the harm of leisure-time sitting, Diaz added.For the study, whose findings were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association,researchers followed 3,592 African-Americans living in Jackson, Missouri for nearly eight-and-a-half years. The subjects reported how long they sat in front of the TV each day, as well as how much time they sat at work. They also reported how much time they spent on daily exercise.It was found that participants who spent four hours or more watching TV every day had a 50% greater risk of heart disease and death compared to those who spent two hours or less in front of the T V.And sitting down at work wasnt as bad as researchers expected the participants who sat the most for their jobs had the same health risks as the subjects who sat the least overall. This indicates that there is a contrast in the heart health effects of sitting and work and sprawling in front of a TV.So what is to be done? Exercise, of course.Our findings show that how you spend your time outside of work may matter more when it comes to heart health, said Diaz. Even if you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, replacing the time you spend sitting at home with tenuous exercise could reduce your risk of heart disease and death.

Friday, December 20, 2019

ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign

ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue sttze Campaign ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign ASMEs move to 2 Park Avenue later this month will mark the start of a new era in the life of the Society for the first time in years, ASME will establish a new World Headquarters for the Society and for the profession of mechanical engineering. The 250 staff members based in New York are preparing at full speed to move to a new, state-of-the-art facility, featuring increased meeting space, innovative areas for collaborative work projects, and museum-style display areas to tell the story of engineering and its significance to modern society. In honor of this new beginning and to underscore its own expanding role in the kooperation of the profession of engineering, the ASME Foundation is announcing its 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign to coincide with the big move. This opportunity to support this exciting next phase in the evolution of the Society will offer a unique opportu nity for members, supporters and friends as well.The 2 Park Avenue Campaign will be a fantastic opportunity to get in at the ground floor of a new era, said Matt Schatzle, executive director of the ASME Foundation. Let me be clear this is not a capital campaign. The Headquarters are built and ready. This opportunity means instead that participants will be able to support ASMEs initiatives in education, humanitarian engineering and public policy, but with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to share in the profession-wide visibility the new headquarters will inevitably bring.Welcome to 2 Park Avenue - the home of ASMEs new World Headquarters.As Schatzle describes it, the 2 Park Support Campaign will allow participants publicly to recognize contributions to mechanical engineering, memorialize great contributions to the field, or simply to give back to their profession in a way that feels commensurate with the benefits it has brought them. Naming opportunities will be available at many levels, from the central and much anticipated Hub, 2 Parks main public space, to individual conference and reception areas, board rooms, team work areas, and gallery spaces.According to Schatzle, Supporters of the 2 Park Avenue Campaign will really be like angel investors. They will be getting in at the beginning of vital philanthropic programs and making them happen. We are excited to welcome participants and to working with them individually as ASMEs first team. An artists conception of one of the spacious, state-of-the-art conference rooms at the new 2 Park Avenue Headquarters.Participation in the 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign will include A 10-year sponsorship term Recognition on the ASME and ASME Foundation websites A listing in the Mechanical Engineering magazine and Membership in ASMEs most prestigious category of annual support, the Alexander Holley Society. For more information or to craft your individualized program of participation, contact ASME Foundation Executive Director Matt Schatzle at (202) 785-7393 or by e-mail at

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Ace a Skype Interview

How to Ace a Skype InterviewHow to Ace a Skype InterviewJob vorstellungsgesprchs via Skype have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Even though you can see one aleidher, a virtual interview is definitely not the same as a face-to-face so you should prepare accordingly.To help you embrace this new technology and help you ace a Skype interview, weve put together a few questions to considerIs it important to dress professionally? Yes, general interview etiquette still applies for online interviews. Dont be tempted to dress professionally from the waist up only thinking thats all the interviewer will see. There have been many online interviews where something has happened causing the interviewee to stand up unexpectedly so wear pants When you dress professionally it also helps you feel like its a formal interview and puts you in the right frame of mind.Is where you sit important for the interview? You can be sure that the interviewer will pay attention to your surroundi ngs during an interview so setting it up well in advance is crucial. Find a neutral, tidy spot in your home or apartment. A messy room could subconsciously impact a recruiters view of the meeting and reflect badly on you. Set yourself up so that the interviewer can see your face, hair, shoulders and your upper torso. Check the lighting in the room and how youre going to sit. Theres nothing worse than a giant, poorly lit head talking at them for hours. Another important thing to remember is to make sure youre in a room where you wont be interrupted by children, barking dogs, or other noisy distractions.Is it important to know how to use Skype? If youve never used Skype before, make sure you understand it forward and backward to avoid any mishaps that might cause last-minute panic. Have a friend do a practice interview with you to make sure you come across confident on the screen and that youre fully in control of the technology. Check the microphone, make sure your voice is audible a nd the picture quality is good. Having a strong internet connection is a definite must haveIf technology fails, dont panic remain professional Recruiters understand some things are out of your control, so start the call again to regain a connection and/or quickly make contact via land line or email to update the interviewer so you can continue as soon as possible.Is it important to be on time? You wouldnt dream of turning up late for a face-to-face interview so delaying one over Skype because you arent prepared for it is inexcusable. Always call and get everything set up a few minutes early to avoid any issues. Make sure you have your notes ready, something to write with, and a glass of water on hand to avoid getting a dry mouth once you start the interview.Is body language important? For a Skype interview, youre not going to have the typical informal interaction you would have in a normal interview. You wont be walking from the reception to the elevator or conference room, so its important your eye contact and facial expressions arent compromised by technology. Remember to look at the camera not the screen that way the interviewer will feel like youre maintaining eye contact. Smile and have an engaging, pleasant facial expression.As hard as it might be, try to forget youre talking to a computer screen and imagine the interviewer sitting across from you. If you can accomplish this small task, youll ace a Skype interview

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How To Recover Quickly from an Interview Mistake

How To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeHow To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeHow To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeJob interviews can be a recipe for trouble. Any time you combine a nerve-wracking situation with high stakes, the possibility of rejection, and the need to look and act your very best, there will be blood. Hopefully not real blood, but Im sure thats happened, too.Want to ease your nerves beforeyour job interview? Make sure youre well preparedtoprevent as many problems as possible. Then, accept that mistakes will happen, and prepare yourself to recover as quickly and professionally as possible when they do. Just remember these four simple stepsAcknowledge the problem.Briefly apologize or explain. (Dont overdo it.)Do what you can to fix it.Get back to business.Here are some classic examples...Your cell phone goes off, screaming Back in Black, My Humps, or whatever silly ringtone you uploaded last week.RECOVERY Whatever you do, DO NOT answer tha t phone Dont even sneak a peek at whos calling. But dont ignore it like some audience member in a live Hugh Jackman play, either A sheepish grin can be your acknowledgment. Then just silence the phone immediately, turn it off, apologize briefly but sincerely, and change the subject.Example Im sorry, I thought I had silenced this. sie werden erlauben the interruption. You were saying?You spill coffee on your shirt on the way to the interview. (Or your baby spits up on you, or a bird poops on your sweater....)RECOVERY No matter the source, when you have an obvious stain, the obvious solution is to clean it up before the interview starts. If thats not possible, just suck it upwait, let me rephrase thatjust own up to it at the start of the interview, show a little humor, and then forget about it.Example True to Murphys Law, insert a brief explanation of what happened, and now I have this very noticeable spot. I hope youll be able to overlook it, because Im really excited about this oppo rtunity.In the end, you shouldnt think of your interview mistakes as problems. Think of them as opportunities to prove that you can maintain a calm and professional demeanor under trying circumstances. Thats an important skill in every job

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whatever They Told You About Ats Compliant Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About Ats Compliant Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why The Little-Known Secrets to Ats Compliant Resume Make certain you include all of the information your prospective employer would like to have. Companies and companies can buy applicant tracking systems based on specific characteristics that will optimize their precise recruitment approach. Recruiters utilize applicant tracking systems to remain organized and accelerate their placements. There are many softwares related to applicant tracking systems that may also help your institutions staffing and human resource requirements. If your business or business plans to expand, be certain to get an applicant tracking system which you are notlage going to outgrow. ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System, and its a slice of software which helps recruiters manage the recruitment procedure. There are two simple ways to see whether your resume is ready to be correctly interpreted by means of an applicant trac king system. For instance, if the employer is searching for a team-player, describe yourself as one. Even if youre applying for numerous work in quick succession, its well worth the time that it requires to tailor your resume to each and every position youre applying for. Even if some great candidates become filtered out, recruiters still have somewhere to get started. As a consequence, you only present qualified candidates to your customers, which could cause a faster placement. Theres additionally a reverse chronological component, since the introduction is followed by details about your experience and education, and any extra details that you include. In reality, our latest study confirmed the ATS was not able to identify a section of the work seekers contact information 25 percent of the moment. There is an abundance of organizations developing ATS software to help with human resources and each system provides different capabilities. As a consequence, such students sear ch for the best essay help to make certain that their project is going to be produced at the maximal level in accord with all academic standards. Definitions of Ats Compliant Resume To determine the kind of format that you should utilize for your resume, you should evaluate your present targets and the kind of information which you want to present to your possible employer. If thats the case, then the functional resume format could be perfect. The resume format was made to provide a sleek and contemporary appearance to your professional resume. parte of creating an effective resume is choose the best format to inform your private story. Furthermore, the ATS is searching for key words and phrases that match the work description. Be alert to buzzwords as it isnt the exact same as keywords. Researching the business and the work description, and including appropriate key phrases and phrases, are vital to your success. You probably wont need to compose an entirely new resume and cover letter for each job that you apply for, but you do have to correct the keyword phrases you use dependent on the position youre going after. Actually its the specificness of the keyword to the specific job. If you must, you may also add an expert summary section above the job history section to drive home your private brand. What Is So Fascinating About Ats Compliant Resume? As soon as it isnt likely to land you the job in the event the interview went poorly, it can function as a tie-breaker or set you over the top in the event the hiring manager likes a couple of candidates. The receptionist was not nice in any way towards me. As you probably know, to be a hiring manager isnt an effortless thing. As soon as its a fact that hiring managers want to find someone with the most suitable qualifications for the job, they also want somebody who will work cooperatively with their coworkers, get work done efficiently, and make a positive work atmosphere. It isnt worth the riskes pecially for work which requires credentials you dont have. Once youve already defined which job suits you, it is a very good time to move to the next stage. The networking opportunities are excellent too, and the work club that Mike runs every Thursday is quite a valuable resource. Ive been a professional resume writer for more than 8 decades. The vital consideration to get started with is writing your private CV. Once youve already coped with a work search and youve got a list of job ads it is an opportunity to craft your resume a little. The hybrid format isnt an effective way for individuals without a work experience to break into a business. Ultimately, it doesnt really supply the very best format for those who have zero experience. Our professional resume designs can help you land interviews. You may send a personalized email to multiple people simultaneously with email advertising. From that point, after that you can import received resumes. You should scan lots of resumes daily, searching for the most relevant and interesting for them. Type of Ats Compliant Resume It is possible to find resume templates that are compatible with ATS here. ATS has a resume importing feature that allows you load physical resumes directly to your software. The ATS are made to see whether the candidate is a great match for the job and verify he or she has the qualifications needed. Some ATS are usually picky, so make sure to prevent minor mistakes on your resume. Mistakes arent likely to make a great impression. Resumes are wholly set up differently.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Craft a Meeting Agenda That Actually Works

How to Craft a Meeting Agenda That Actually Works You probably hate meetings, and who can blame you? Theres a reason 71 percent of usfind meetings to be wastes of time.But heres the thing Its not the meetings fault.Meetings themselves are not inherently flawed. No, the reason you hate meetings is because youre bad at them.Well, you or whoever runs the meetings you attend is bad at them.Meetings could be quick and effective gatherings where major breakthroughs occur, but they too often go off track or get bogged down in meaningless details. Youd be surprised at how much you can achieve when ameetinghas a solid structure impervious to digression.You can give your meetings exactly such a structure by checking out this infographic from The Business Backer, providers of business funding. The graphic lays out exactly what you need to do to create a meeting agenda that people actually stick to. See for yourself below