Monday, December 30, 2019

ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ...

ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ... ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing ... ASME Partners with Congressional Robotics Caucus for Briefing on Autonomous VehiclesNov. 3, 2017 (Far left) Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), co-chair of the Congressional Robotics Caucus, provided opening remarks at the recent briefing on autonomous vehicles. Also taking part in the briefing were (at the table, left to right) moderator Said Jahanmir, president-nominee of ASME, Joe Jarzombek of Synopsys Inc., Chuck Thorpe of Clarkson University and chair of the ASME Robotics Public Policy Task Force, Constantine Samaras of Carnegie Mellon University, and Finch Fulton from the Transportation Policy Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy. ASME recently partnered with the Robotics Caucus Advisory Committee and the Congressional Robotics Caucus to convene a briefing for Congressional staff on the anticipated arrival and integration of auto mated vehicles (AVs) into the United States transportation infrastructure.The Congressional Robotics Caucus, chaired by Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA) and Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), focuses on issues facing the robotics industry, including technological as well as legal and regulatory challenges. Both Congressmen Woodall and Doyle addressed the audience during the event, which took place Oct. 24 in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill, and shared their excitement for the economic and societal benefits AV technology will provide, while also expressing their commitment to addressing policy concerns. The briefing was co-hosted by IEEE-USA and Carnegie Mellon University, who are members of the Robotics Caucus Advisory Committee along with ASME. (Left to right) Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA) speaks with ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir at the Congressional briefing on autonomous vehicles. Congressman Woodall also delivered opening remarks at the event, which was hel d Oct. 24. In addition to hearing from the Caucus co-chairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary Finch Fulton spoke to the role of the Federal government in integrating automated vehicles. He remarked that the U.S. Department of Transportation recently released new guidelines for automated driving systems in A Vision for Safety 2.0, and is already working on version 3.0 to be released in 2018.After the opening remarks, incoming ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir, Ph.D., moderated the panel session featuring experts who provided their insights on where the government should play a role and what issues the government should be addressing proactively. Panelists included Chuck Thorpe, Ph.D., chair of the ASME Robotics Public Policy Task Force and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Clarkson University Constantine Samaras, Ph.D., assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and Joe Jarzombek, global manager of the Software Integrity Group at Sy nopsys Inc. A crowd of 86, primarily consisting of Congressional staffers, attended the briefing at the Rayburn House Office Buildings House Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing Room.The speakers offered insightful remarks on the specific challenges the government must be thinking about while researchers and industry race towards full AV integration. During the event, it became clear that while the benefits automated vehicles promise are vast, AVs face major societal obstacles as they are integrated into society, such as how to deter malicious activities aimed at connected vehicles, where and to what extent the technology should be utilized, and how to prepare a sufficient infrastructure that moves at the same pace as the technology. All of the panelists noted that it is necessary for policymakers to consider unterstellung far-reaching impacts as technologists continue to improve and innovate AV capabilities.To learn more about the Congressional Robotics Caucus, visit http//r Samantha Fijacko, Government Relations

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)

This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)This type of sitting is killing you faster (and its not the one you think)We all know that sitting for long periods is bad for you, even deadly. However, fruchtwein studies have not followed a group of people over a long period of time while tracking their sedentary behavior. When researchers at Columbia University did, they made a shocking find about which sort of sitting is the worst when it comes to the risk of heart disease and death.Hint its not sitting at a desk all day, its what many people do afterthat sacking out in front of the TV, oftentimes for a large number of hours. Thats the sort of sitting that poses real health risks, researchers found.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIt may be that most people tend to watch television for hours without moving, while most workers get up from their desk fr equently, explained study author Keith M. Diaz, assistant professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University, in a release. The combination of eating a large meal such as dinner and then sitting for hours could also be particularly harmful.More research is needed, but its possible that just taking a short break from your TV time and going for a walk may be enough to offset the harm of leisure-time sitting, Diaz added.For the study, whose findings were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association,researchers followed 3,592 African-Americans living in Jackson, Missouri for nearly eight-and-a-half years. The subjects reported how long they sat in front of the TV each day, as well as how much time they sat at work. They also reported how much time they spent on daily exercise.It was found that participants who spent four hours or more watching TV every day had a 50% greater risk of heart disease and death compared to those who spent two hours or less in front of the T V.And sitting down at work wasnt as bad as researchers expected the participants who sat the most for their jobs had the same health risks as the subjects who sat the least overall. This indicates that there is a contrast in the heart health effects of sitting and work and sprawling in front of a TV.So what is to be done? Exercise, of course.Our findings show that how you spend your time outside of work may matter more when it comes to heart health, said Diaz. Even if you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, replacing the time you spend sitting at home with tenuous exercise could reduce your risk of heart disease and death.

Friday, December 20, 2019

ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign

ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue sttze Campaign ASME Foundation Spearheads 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign ASMEs move to 2 Park Avenue later this month will mark the start of a new era in the life of the Society for the first time in years, ASME will establish a new World Headquarters for the Society and for the profession of mechanical engineering. The 250 staff members based in New York are preparing at full speed to move to a new, state-of-the-art facility, featuring increased meeting space, innovative areas for collaborative work projects, and museum-style display areas to tell the story of engineering and its significance to modern society. In honor of this new beginning and to underscore its own expanding role in the kooperation of the profession of engineering, the ASME Foundation is announcing its 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign to coincide with the big move. This opportunity to support this exciting next phase in the evolution of the Society will offer a unique opportu nity for members, supporters and friends as well.The 2 Park Avenue Campaign will be a fantastic opportunity to get in at the ground floor of a new era, said Matt Schatzle, executive director of the ASME Foundation. Let me be clear this is not a capital campaign. The Headquarters are built and ready. This opportunity means instead that participants will be able to support ASMEs initiatives in education, humanitarian engineering and public policy, but with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to share in the profession-wide visibility the new headquarters will inevitably bring.Welcome to 2 Park Avenue - the home of ASMEs new World Headquarters.As Schatzle describes it, the 2 Park Support Campaign will allow participants publicly to recognize contributions to mechanical engineering, memorialize great contributions to the field, or simply to give back to their profession in a way that feels commensurate with the benefits it has brought them. Naming opportunities will be available at many levels, from the central and much anticipated Hub, 2 Parks main public space, to individual conference and reception areas, board rooms, team work areas, and gallery spaces.According to Schatzle, Supporters of the 2 Park Avenue Campaign will really be like angel investors. They will be getting in at the beginning of vital philanthropic programs and making them happen. We are excited to welcome participants and to working with them individually as ASMEs first team. An artists conception of one of the spacious, state-of-the-art conference rooms at the new 2 Park Avenue Headquarters.Participation in the 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign will include A 10-year sponsorship term Recognition on the ASME and ASME Foundation websites A listing in the Mechanical Engineering magazine and Membership in ASMEs most prestigious category of annual support, the Alexander Holley Society. For more information or to craft your individualized program of participation, contact ASME Foundation Executive Director Matt Schatzle at (202) 785-7393 or by e-mail at

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Ace a Skype Interview

How to Ace a Skype InterviewHow to Ace a Skype InterviewJob vorstellungsgesprchs via Skype have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Even though you can see one aleidher, a virtual interview is definitely not the same as a face-to-face so you should prepare accordingly.To help you embrace this new technology and help you ace a Skype interview, weve put together a few questions to considerIs it important to dress professionally? Yes, general interview etiquette still applies for online interviews. Dont be tempted to dress professionally from the waist up only thinking thats all the interviewer will see. There have been many online interviews where something has happened causing the interviewee to stand up unexpectedly so wear pants When you dress professionally it also helps you feel like its a formal interview and puts you in the right frame of mind.Is where you sit important for the interview? You can be sure that the interviewer will pay attention to your surroundi ngs during an interview so setting it up well in advance is crucial. Find a neutral, tidy spot in your home or apartment. A messy room could subconsciously impact a recruiters view of the meeting and reflect badly on you. Set yourself up so that the interviewer can see your face, hair, shoulders and your upper torso. Check the lighting in the room and how youre going to sit. Theres nothing worse than a giant, poorly lit head talking at them for hours. Another important thing to remember is to make sure youre in a room where you wont be interrupted by children, barking dogs, or other noisy distractions.Is it important to know how to use Skype? If youve never used Skype before, make sure you understand it forward and backward to avoid any mishaps that might cause last-minute panic. Have a friend do a practice interview with you to make sure you come across confident on the screen and that youre fully in control of the technology. Check the microphone, make sure your voice is audible a nd the picture quality is good. Having a strong internet connection is a definite must haveIf technology fails, dont panic remain professional Recruiters understand some things are out of your control, so start the call again to regain a connection and/or quickly make contact via land line or email to update the interviewer so you can continue as soon as possible.Is it important to be on time? You wouldnt dream of turning up late for a face-to-face interview so delaying one over Skype because you arent prepared for it is inexcusable. Always call and get everything set up a few minutes early to avoid any issues. Make sure you have your notes ready, something to write with, and a glass of water on hand to avoid getting a dry mouth once you start the interview.Is body language important? For a Skype interview, youre not going to have the typical informal interaction you would have in a normal interview. You wont be walking from the reception to the elevator or conference room, so its important your eye contact and facial expressions arent compromised by technology. Remember to look at the camera not the screen that way the interviewer will feel like youre maintaining eye contact. Smile and have an engaging, pleasant facial expression.As hard as it might be, try to forget youre talking to a computer screen and imagine the interviewer sitting across from you. If you can accomplish this small task, youll ace a Skype interview

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How To Recover Quickly from an Interview Mistake

How To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeHow To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeHow To Recover Quickly from an Interview MistakeJob interviews can be a recipe for trouble. Any time you combine a nerve-wracking situation with high stakes, the possibility of rejection, and the need to look and act your very best, there will be blood. Hopefully not real blood, but Im sure thats happened, too.Want to ease your nerves beforeyour job interview? Make sure youre well preparedtoprevent as many problems as possible. Then, accept that mistakes will happen, and prepare yourself to recover as quickly and professionally as possible when they do. Just remember these four simple stepsAcknowledge the problem.Briefly apologize or explain. (Dont overdo it.)Do what you can to fix it.Get back to business.Here are some classic examples...Your cell phone goes off, screaming Back in Black, My Humps, or whatever silly ringtone you uploaded last week.RECOVERY Whatever you do, DO NOT answer tha t phone Dont even sneak a peek at whos calling. But dont ignore it like some audience member in a live Hugh Jackman play, either A sheepish grin can be your acknowledgment. Then just silence the phone immediately, turn it off, apologize briefly but sincerely, and change the subject.Example Im sorry, I thought I had silenced this. sie werden erlauben the interruption. You were saying?You spill coffee on your shirt on the way to the interview. (Or your baby spits up on you, or a bird poops on your sweater....)RECOVERY No matter the source, when you have an obvious stain, the obvious solution is to clean it up before the interview starts. If thats not possible, just suck it upwait, let me rephrase thatjust own up to it at the start of the interview, show a little humor, and then forget about it.Example True to Murphys Law, insert a brief explanation of what happened, and now I have this very noticeable spot. I hope youll be able to overlook it, because Im really excited about this oppo rtunity.In the end, you shouldnt think of your interview mistakes as problems. Think of them as opportunities to prove that you can maintain a calm and professional demeanor under trying circumstances. Thats an important skill in every job

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whatever They Told You About Ats Compliant Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About Ats Compliant Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why The Little-Known Secrets to Ats Compliant Resume Make certain you include all of the information your prospective employer would like to have. Companies and companies can buy applicant tracking systems based on specific characteristics that will optimize their precise recruitment approach. Recruiters utilize applicant tracking systems to remain organized and accelerate their placements. There are many softwares related to applicant tracking systems that may also help your institutions staffing and human resource requirements. If your business or business plans to expand, be certain to get an applicant tracking system which you are notlage going to outgrow. ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System, and its a slice of software which helps recruiters manage the recruitment procedure. There are two simple ways to see whether your resume is ready to be correctly interpreted by means of an applicant trac king system. For instance, if the employer is searching for a team-player, describe yourself as one. Even if youre applying for numerous work in quick succession, its well worth the time that it requires to tailor your resume to each and every position youre applying for. Even if some great candidates become filtered out, recruiters still have somewhere to get started. As a consequence, you only present qualified candidates to your customers, which could cause a faster placement. Theres additionally a reverse chronological component, since the introduction is followed by details about your experience and education, and any extra details that you include. In reality, our latest study confirmed the ATS was not able to identify a section of the work seekers contact information 25 percent of the moment. There is an abundance of organizations developing ATS software to help with human resources and each system provides different capabilities. As a consequence, such students sear ch for the best essay help to make certain that their project is going to be produced at the maximal level in accord with all academic standards. Definitions of Ats Compliant Resume To determine the kind of format that you should utilize for your resume, you should evaluate your present targets and the kind of information which you want to present to your possible employer. If thats the case, then the functional resume format could be perfect. The resume format was made to provide a sleek and contemporary appearance to your professional resume. parte of creating an effective resume is choose the best format to inform your private story. Furthermore, the ATS is searching for key words and phrases that match the work description. Be alert to buzzwords as it isnt the exact same as keywords. Researching the business and the work description, and including appropriate key phrases and phrases, are vital to your success. You probably wont need to compose an entirely new resume and cover letter for each job that you apply for, but you do have to correct the keyword phrases you use dependent on the position youre going after. Actually its the specificness of the keyword to the specific job. If you must, you may also add an expert summary section above the job history section to drive home your private brand. What Is So Fascinating About Ats Compliant Resume? As soon as it isnt likely to land you the job in the event the interview went poorly, it can function as a tie-breaker or set you over the top in the event the hiring manager likes a couple of candidates. The receptionist was not nice in any way towards me. As you probably know, to be a hiring manager isnt an effortless thing. As soon as its a fact that hiring managers want to find someone with the most suitable qualifications for the job, they also want somebody who will work cooperatively with their coworkers, get work done efficiently, and make a positive work atmosphere. It isnt worth the riskes pecially for work which requires credentials you dont have. Once youve already defined which job suits you, it is a very good time to move to the next stage. The networking opportunities are excellent too, and the work club that Mike runs every Thursday is quite a valuable resource. Ive been a professional resume writer for more than 8 decades. The vital consideration to get started with is writing your private CV. Once youve already coped with a work search and youve got a list of job ads it is an opportunity to craft your resume a little. The hybrid format isnt an effective way for individuals without a work experience to break into a business. Ultimately, it doesnt really supply the very best format for those who have zero experience. Our professional resume designs can help you land interviews. You may send a personalized email to multiple people simultaneously with email advertising. From that point, after that you can import received resumes. You should scan lots of resumes daily, searching for the most relevant and interesting for them. Type of Ats Compliant Resume It is possible to find resume templates that are compatible with ATS here. ATS has a resume importing feature that allows you load physical resumes directly to your software. The ATS are made to see whether the candidate is a great match for the job and verify he or she has the qualifications needed. Some ATS are usually picky, so make sure to prevent minor mistakes on your resume. Mistakes arent likely to make a great impression. Resumes are wholly set up differently.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to Craft a Meeting Agenda That Actually Works

How to Craft a Meeting Agenda That Actually Works You probably hate meetings, and who can blame you? Theres a reason 71 percent of usfind meetings to be wastes of time.But heres the thing Its not the meetings fault.Meetings themselves are not inherently flawed. No, the reason you hate meetings is because youre bad at them.Well, you or whoever runs the meetings you attend is bad at them.Meetings could be quick and effective gatherings where major breakthroughs occur, but they too often go off track or get bogged down in meaningless details. Youd be surprised at how much you can achieve when ameetinghas a solid structure impervious to digression.You can give your meetings exactly such a structure by checking out this infographic from The Business Backer, providers of business funding. The graphic lays out exactly what you need to do to create a meeting agenda that people actually stick to. See for yourself below

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What Your Personality Says About Your Career Path

What Your Personality Says About Your Career Path What Your Personality Says About Your Career Path Fundamental Differences in Personality TypesWhetzu sich youre an extrovert or introvert, accepting, owning, and enjoying your dominant personality traits can lead to a happier, more fulfilled life. Studies have found thatintroverts are actually wired differently than extroverts. Introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brains and the anterior, or frontal, thalamus, which are both areas that absprache with internal processing. They are great planners and problem-solvers.Extroverts, on the other hand, have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.Other researchhas indicated that introversion-extroversion is actually related to individual differences in brain function.Introverts can easily become self-aware around others, which can cause them to over-plan and overt hink even simple outings. An introverted person can have a hard time figuring out the right thing to say in conversations with others. They can be social people, but still tend to reveal less about themselves than extroverts. fruchtwein introverts prefer taking some time to think before responding to a situation because they would rather develop their ideas by reflecting privately. Introverts have the ability to focus their attention more readily and for longer periods of time than extroverts. Some introverts may feel awkward or weird around groups of extroverts, but they may be attracted to an extroverted person. While many introverts seem to come across as shy and quiet individuals, not all of them are. Shy people can be introverted or extroverted. Introverts prefer keeping things low-key, rather than going to large social events.Introverts in the WorkplaceIntroverts feel fruchtwein comfortable working alone or in a small group, as this allows them to focus on solving problems wit hout any distractions.A few ideal career choices for introverts includeSoftware EngineerMarket Research AnalystTranslatorHuman Resources SpecialistAccountantAccording to renowned Swiss psychiatristCarl Jung, extroversion is the ability to turnthe interests and energies of onesmind toward events, people, and things in the world around us. In psychology, an extrovert is a person concerned more about the practical realities of life rather than with ones inner thoughts and feelings. Simply put, an individual who is keen on what is happening around themis an extrovert.If you know someone who loves to socialize and has an outgoing personality, they aremore than likely an extrovert. Extroverts make the most of the opportunities that come their ways. They dont worry too much about what if. Extroverts are usually the ones who put candy on their desks at the workplace in order to encourage interactions with others. They tend to be energized around other people, and they may becomebored and re stless when alone.Extroverts in the WorkplaceMost extroverts are eager to land jobs that doesnt actually feel like jobs. Extroverts thrive in positions where they are able to mingle freely with coworkers whenever they please. They prefer jobs that entail different daily duties, rather set routines.Here are some ideal professions for an extroverted personPublic Relations ManagerElementary School TeacherPhysical TherapistSales ProfessionalIf you are unsure of whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, taking aMyers-Briggs Type Indicator assessmentis a great way to find out more about your particular traits. Once you become aware of your specific personality type, you will be able to better prevent some of the common problems that may occur when trying to fit a square into a circle. It is also helpful in further understanding yourself and what might best suit your personality type in your pursuit of happiness. When you better understand yourself, your interactions with others make a little more sense.The Myers-Briggs personality test can be a great resource for employers and supervisors. Understanding your employees on deeper levels allows you to maximize efficiency, communication, and harmony. For example, more introverted coworkers may preferdetailed memos, whereas extroverts may prefer a conference or demonstration.Introverts and extroverts both have fantastic strengths. At their full potential, either type can become a powerhouse at the officeThis article originally appeared on BusinessCollective.Jessica M. Baker is the Founder and CEO ofAligned Signs, the only patented self-discovery and relationship tool of its kind. Ms. Baker fuels her business ventures with expertise gained from nine years of experience in finance, business analysis, client management, and research. Jessica graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Business Administration in finance and a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of Texas.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 irrational fears all professionals have, and how to shake them

4 irrational fears all professionals have, and how to shake them4 irrational fears all professionals have, and how to shake themWhen youre waiting for that amazing first date to text you (or reply to you) - you have no qualms asking your best pals for advice. Or, when you discover an itchy spot on your arm, seeking the advice of WebMD seems like a smart choice. Second opinion on your childs developmental stage, since they arent exactly where your parenting book said they should be? Your sibling will come in with their thoughts (and to ease your mind). But when it comes to your career, you probably think all of your irrational worries are less crazy and more warranted.Because most professionals are far harder on themselves than their colleagues, managers, or employees are, the anxieties that keep you up at night are probably bedrngnis as intense or noticeable as you perceive them. And hey, as career coaches put it Youre performing much better than you give yourself credit for.This hi gh-stakes, go-big-or-fail mentality has shifted over centuries. As humans, we have evolved to prioritize negative information and/or potential outcomes. In caveman days, this made a lot of sense. Forget that mushrooms could kill you, and you die. Forget that apples are tasty, and you just miss out on tasty apples. Therefore, you brain focuses on the information that keeps you alive, career coach and founder of Rowan Coaching, Colleen Star Koch explains. Today, we rarely find ourselves in situations oriented purely around survival. As a result, the part of our brain that is doing its best to keep us alive tends to obsess on worries that are often irrational.Here, some super-common fears all working professionals have - and how to nix em.Im a fraud. I have no idea what Im doing.Of all the issues Rowan has helped her clients with as a career coach, she says this worry is the most common. Though many believe one day their employer or manager will pick up on their ruse, most people are actually, Rowan has found that the more outstanding and together a person is, the more likely they are to have this concern. Success is scary, and the personalities that tend to succeed are also the ones who tend to do the most self-reflection and take the biggest risks. These combinations create a constant what if threat state in your brain, she explains.So how do you reassure yourself that youre doing better than wine - and excelling? Rowan says developing new thinking habits. By implementing new habits and processes, you work your best to overwrite the message you have swirling on repeat. It wont happen overnight, but with time, you might actually convince yourself of the truth, instead of leading your career riddled by fear. Choose a new belief that feels true to you, and giving it as much attention and repetition as you used to give the Im an imposter statement, she recommends. These sentiments could be, Sure, I feel like a fraud sometimes - but Ive been in this industry for 10 years and I keep getting promoted. Theres no way thats just due to luck, or Even if I feel like an imposter now, Im also taking real steps to improve my knowledge and expertise. Lets see how I feel laterShe also adds that much like a detective or a journalist would gather sources to back their claims, come up with an Evidence of Awesome file that you can point to when you start to doubt yourself. This could be an award, a positive note from a mentor, anything that reminds you of how far youve come - and the stellar places youre headed.If I dont have all the answers, I wont be respected.As you add on more words into your title and move out of the open arbeitszimmer space to a glass-door office, its not just the zeros that pack on your pay stub, but the pressure, too. You might feel the expectation to have all of the answers, but career coach and author, Linda Adams explains, great leaders dont need to be perfect. Instead, coming from a genuine place and an honest perspective will win the respect of employees.If you act as if you never need help, you are modeling that there is a greater value in standing alone than collaborating with others. The fear that you always have to have it together, isolates you as a leader and creates an environment where your teams contribution is significantly limited, she says.You might have to sweat a bit and lean into the discomfort, but Adams challenges leaders to be vulnerable. Invite others to share and discuss the challenges you and the team face and then celebrate the successes you drive together, she recommends.I cant have financial security and have a happy life.Depending on which industry youve built your career, the idea of so-call having it all might seem as farfetched as becoming, say, the CEO of Facebook. Rowan says many people struggle to find the balance that gives them the cushion to live comfortably while also savoring an experience outside of the workplace. The challenge for many professionals is to take a ste p back and analyze the fear itself, and why it keeps parading your thoughts and psyche.And as Rowan says, redefine what it means to be successful and happy from your unique lens, not through the eyes or the definition of someone else. If you are willing to really assess your values, what matters to you most as a person and as a professional you absolutely have the ability to create a life that is both financially stable and personally fulfilling. Its irrational to believe that you are required to hate your job forever, and that there are no other ways to make an income that wont eat your soul, she says.To begin your journey toward balance, Rowan suggests creating a vision board, complete with bullet points on what your ideal life would look like. Or, if youre more of a communicator, talk with a trusted partner, family member, or friend. And most importantly, ask yourself the tough questions that lead to the right answers. Do your prioritize travel over an office setting, and desire to work remotely? Or, do you want a gig that gets out at 5 p.m. on the dot, without being expected to be on call. Whatever the answer, you can start to determine the practical steps - like a budget or having a tough conversation with your employer - to get there.Im going to get fired.Even if youre executing efficiently, effectively, and consistently, you probably still feel that gut-wrenching ache that convinces you, surely, today will be the day when you get fired. The truth is, you probably wont get the pink slip. Adams reassures it take a lot to get fired, especially the more senior you become. Generally unless the action violates company policy or the action is grossly negligent its unlikely that any decision you make or action you take will ever result in you being fired - even if the decision goes south.Though a common irrational fear, Adams says when you listen to it, you prevent yourself from working creatively because youre in a race to the finish line, instead of focus ing on what you can do to improve and strengthen the processes. And well, make choices that stir the pot, rather than following protocol. Leaders who take decisions reflecting informed risk are those who drive progress for their companies. Have confidence that you have the authority associated with your role and step-up to make the decisions that will keep your company agile and relevant, she says. Working from a position of informed risk taking, theres a much better chance that your actions will be celebrated than you might get fired.

Customize this Outstanding Sample Web Designer Resume 2 Sample

Customize this Outstanding Sample Web Designer Resume 2 Sample Customize this Outstanding Sample Web Designer Resume 2 Sample Create Resume OBJECTIVE: To obtain a challenging position as a Web Designer.EXPERIENCE:Copley Web Designers, Boston MA 2000 PresentWeb DesignerResponsible for the design and development of Internet, Intranet, web sites and web applications through the use of Macromedia Dream weaver, Front Page and Adobe Photo Shop 5.0.Developed page layout, navigation, copy, animation, buttons and icons.Presented designs and concepts to Clients and the Management for review.Installed Shopping Carts, Automatic Response mailers and Online Forms.Assisted help desk staff in streamlining the process.Brighton Web Design Studio, Boston MA 1998 2000Web DesignerResponsible for the design of client websites right from conceptualization stage to its implementation.Worked with digital graphical design tools including Adobe PhotoShop, Fireworks, Flash and Illustrator.Created animations using flash for an on-line multimedia store.Responsible for web hosting and the installation of e-mail and forms.Developed acc ess database and web interface suitable for client needs.Perform the validation and testing of the finished web sites.EDUCATION: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Boston MA 1994 1998 BS in Computer ScienceTECHNICAL SKILLS:Windows 95/98/2000MS DOSJavaHTMLJavaScriptShellVisual Basic 4.0Microm RbaseMacromedia Dream WeaverFireworksAdobe PhotoShopMS AccessMicrosoft Front PageOracleCorel ParadoxVisual C++Adobe Photo MillADDITIONAL INFORMATION:In my spare time I enjoy athletics and have participated in both the Boston and New York marathons. I also enjoy reading and traveling to different places.Customize Resume

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Simply Hireds Employee Meme Contest

Simply Hireds Employee Meme Contest Simply Hireds Employee Meme Contest A few weeks ago, Simply Hired launched an employee social media contest where we encouraged our staff to try their hand at creating memes. Folks from across the company joined in the fun. Over 30+ different memes were created, much to the enjoyment of our social media followers. We ultimately chose an overall winner through a company wide vote, but there were a number of great memes we thought we should highlight.  Here are some of the top memes from the contest: First the winning meme from Minh Pham, Client Services at Simply Hired. @SimplyHired! Find your next job at on Simply Hired! - minh hoang pham (@minhpham3) March 17, 2015 Other meme highlights include: Today @SimplyHired launched an internal meme contest! Stay tuned for more #jobsearch memes from our staff! - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 16, 2015 Another great entry in our @SimplyHired meme contest! This one from our Support Specialist @jnnfrkm #recruiting - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 18, 2015 @simplyhired #recruiting - Kristy Stromberg (@kristystrom) March 18, 2015 Another great meme from our SEM manager, @OValencia_3! - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 19, 2015 A message from Kenny Powers! @SimplyHired - Rob A. Meyer (@robbmeyer) March 19, 2015 A great Yoda meme from @sonsah, account manager with @SimplyHired! - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 19, 2015 They keep coming! Heres a great meme from our IT lead, Martin Scott! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 19, 2015 This meme comes from Avni Shah, Talent Acquisition at @SimplyHired #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 19, 2015 Another meme, this one from Sophia Sullivan, Account Manager at @SimplyHired! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 20, 2015 Heres a new meme, this one from @Laura_M_Smith41, Sales Associate at @SimplyHired! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 23, 2015 Another excellent meme from Martin Scott, our IT Lead at @SimplyHired! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 23, 2015 Want to get matched with the right #job for you? Use @SimplyHired for your #jobsearch! #lovewhatyoudo #sourcecon - Cait Finnigan (@caitfinnigan) March 25, 2015 Get your soup on! Another @SimplyHired meme to lighten up your day. #seinfeld #recruiting #jobsearch - minh hoang pham (@minhpham3) March 25, 2015 Check it out! Our SVP of Sales, Bob Taylor, has another awesome meme today! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 25, 2015 Another awesome meme from @SimplyHired Software Engineer, @borisdlin! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 26, 2015 The #onedirection hes headed towards? @SimplyHired ! #jobsearch #zaynmalik #recruiting #hirezayn - minh hoang pham (@minhpham3) March 26, 2015 Heres another great meme from Avni Shah, Talent Acquisition at @SimplyHired! #SimplyHiredMemes - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 26, 2015 Todays first meme comes from @jamesjsquared, Account manager at @SimplyHired! - Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) March 27, 2015 Dont let a #CaseOfTheMondays get you down. Use @SimplyHired #LoveWhatYouDo. #jobsearch #job #MotivationMonday - Cait Finnigan (@caitfinnigan) March 30, 2015 4 out of 5 babies prefer Simply Hireds technology matching qualified applicants to awesome jobs @SimplyHired - Kelley Powers (@KPow2014) March 30, 2015 script asyn Last entry for our @SimplyHired meme contest! Everybody gets a job!!!! #jobsearch #recruiting #jobs #hr #ownit - minh hoang pham (@minhpham3) March 31, 2015

Monday, November 18, 2019

What You Need to Know About a Medical Leave Letter from Your Doctor

What You Need to Know About a Medical Leave Letter from Your Doctor What You Need to Know About a Medical Leave Letter from Your Doctor A medical leave letter informs your employer you have medical needs that would interfere with work and that you will need time off. Sometimes employers may also require further documentation from a medical professional before they will grant the request. This is usually a medical leave letter from your doctor.Why You Would Need a Medical Leave Letter from Your DoctorCompany policy may require a medical leave letter from your doctor. A medical leave letter from your doctor legitimizes your claim and also ensures there is no loss of entitled salary or benefits. Your company may need it to present to their health insurers to approve medical benefits. There are also companies with policies that ask for this documentation to grant leave that goes beyond a certain period of time.What You Need to DoThe first step is to let your immediate supervisor know of the pending situation as soon as possible. Go in to as much detail as youre comfortable with. You can now write your medical leave lette r, to be submitted to your supervisor, who will pass it on to all pertinent parties, including human resources. You may be asked to send it directly to human resources. If you know company policy requires a medical leave letter from your doctor, immediately contact and ask their office to prepare the document. Get the letter as soon as possible because you want this process to be stress free.What Your Doctor Needs to DoThe medical leave letter from your doctor should be printed on official letterhead from their office and signed by your primary physician or surgeon. The letter will need to repeat the details in your own medical leave letter, but the doctor can expound on the procedures, recuperation period, and any other documentation that justifies the leave.Do not have the doctor mail the letter to your company. Its best if you put the document in the proper hands yourself. Offer to pick it up, making sure the medical leave letter from your doctor is sealed in office stationary.Li veCareer Can Help with Medical Leaves and MoreLiveCareer has all the tools you need to prepare for medical leaves, for writing termination letters, and for creating the best resumes. Like the rest of our resources, Resume Builder is a simple and powerful device. It will help you get interviews. Related Articles: What You Need to Know to Prepare for a Retail InterviewWhats the Best Format for Writing About Your Past Experience In Your Resume?Write Your First Resume

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Wingspan and Info

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Wingspan and Info Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Wingspan and Info Overview The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is known as one of the worlds most successful aircraft, even in its early stages. Its fuel efficient and clean, and built for sustainability. Price 787-8: $193.5M787-9: $227.8M Timeline Apr 2004: 787 program launchDec 2009: 787-8 first flightJan 2010: Initial airworthiness testing completedAug 2011: FAA and EASA certification grantedMar 2011: First delivery to ANA Performance Specifications 787-8 Range: 7,650-8,200 nmCruise Speed: Mach 0.85Max Takeoff Weight: 502,500 lb 787-9 Range: 8,000-8,500 nmCruise Speed: Mach 0.85Max Takeoff Weight: 553,000 lb Design Specifications Engines and Systems: The Boeing 787 can be fitted with either the GE GenX engine or the Rolls Royce Trent 1000, both of which promise the best efficiency on the market for the engine class. The engines bypass ratio of 10 means the engines are quieter, more fuel efficient and environmentally responsible.An advanced fly-by-wire system includes a wing that can change its own chamber in flight through an automatically adjusted trailing edge that moves up or down as needed for maximum efficiency. The ailerons automatically adjust, as well, for the most efficient position. Structure Design: The jet is 50% composite material, lessening the load and thereby making the 787 even more fuel efficient. The composite material also helps reduce maintenance costs. Theres also a design improvement on the engine nacelle that creates a more laminar flow of air over the engine, reducing drag and increasing efficiency over similar aircraft. Finally, the 787 has smaller fairings with a simple pivot edge trailing flap system, allowing for less drag and an increase in performance. Avionics: Pilots that have flown Boeing aircraft before, such as the Boeing 777, will be familiar with the avionics. While Boeing worked to create a state-of-the-art system, it wanted to keep familiarity in focus so that aircrews will transition easily between current Boeing jets and the 787. With the latest advancements in onboard equipment, including dual Heads-Up Displays, extra-large MFDs, and two electronic flight bags, Dreamliner customers shouldnt have to add a thing to the cockpit.Size:787-8Wingspan: 197 ft, 4 inHeight: 55 ft, 6 inLength: 186 ft, 1 inThe 787-8 can hold between 210-250 passengers. When configured for cargo operations, the total cargo volume is 4,400 cubic feet. A typical cargo arrangement can hold 5 pallets, 12 LD-3 containers and allows for 402 cubic feet of bulk space.787-9Wingspan: 197 ft, 4 inHeight: 55 ft, 10 inLength: 206 ft, 1 inJust slightly larger than the 787-8, the 787-9 model can hold 250-290 passengers. When configured for cargo operations, the to tal cargo volume is 5,400 cubic feet. A typical cargo layout for the 787-9 will hold 6 pallets, 16 LD-3 containers and has 402 cubic feet of bulk space. Customers As of press time, Boeing had taken orders for 854 787-8 and 787-9 aircraft, an undeniably successful amount of orders. In 2012, Boeing delivered four 787 aircraft to Japan Airlines and 11 aircraft to ANA. At least 63 companies are currently flying or have orders in for the Boeing 787, including these major players: ANA (55)Air Canada (37)Air France (25)British Airways (24)Delta (18)Etihad (41)ILFC (74)Japan Airlines (45)Qantas (50)Qatar (30)Singapore Airlines (20)United (50)Virgin Atlantic (16) Passengers Passengers who get to fly on the Dreamliner will be more comfortable, thanks to Smoother Ride Technology, which senses and neutralizes turbulence. LED lighting, large overhead bins, vaulted ceilings, cleaner air, and a lower cabin altitude should make airline customers happier and healthier. My favorite feature by far is the electronic lightening and darkening function on the new, larger windows. Passengers can block out the light as much or as little as theyd like, without losing the view brilliant!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Teamwork vs Individual Work Would You Rather Work on a Team or Alone

Teamwork vs Individual Work Would You Rather Work on a Team or Alone Teamwork vs Individual Work Would You Rather Work on a Team or Alone During a typical job interview, you’ll most likely be asked many different questions related to the job and your qualifications. Some are straightforward, such as: “Why do you want to work for this company?” And some are seemingly silly: “Do you believe in Bigfoot?” But from the practical questions to the just plain oddball ones, there is one that can stump a potential candidate- the preference of teamwork vs individual work. Now, the reason why this question is tricky is because there really isn’t one “right” answer to give. Does the employer want you to be a team player, and work with a group of employees, or do they prefer individuals who are more autonomous? When it comes down to it, inquiring about a candidates preference in teamwork vs individual work seems to really be asking if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Chances are, you probably know which one you are. Extroverts enjoy working with others, are oftentimes outgoing, and are energized when they’re around others. Introverts, on the other hand, crave quiet time and solitude, and are at their best when they are alone. While it may seem like there’s only one choice that would satisfy a potential boss, in reality, there really are positives and negatives to working on a team and individually.   Successfully Answering “Would you rather work on a team or alone?” If you answer: “Work on a team.” The pros to working on a team: This might seem like the obvious answer to give. After all, collaboration is a key part of a successful team, and you might assume that your boss wants a new hire who can work well with other coworkers. They don’t want someone who is going to be antisocial or sit silently during meetings, you reason. Extroverted people can be exciting to be around, and their outgoing nature can make them quite likeable and amenable in a group setting. The cons of working on a team: All that aside, stating that you prefer to work on a team could potentially be misconstrued by a hiring manager. They might think that you need other people’s input and advice in order to make decisions. They could think that being on a team is a way to help you to get your own work done. And if you’re applying for a remote job, it could be counted against you, since you’ll need to know how to work independently in order to be successful. If you answer: “Work alone.” The pros of working alone: Being able to work independently is a soft skill that many employers look for in potential new hires. So whether you’re working in a regular office space or remotely, you’re going to have to be able to work on your own at various times. Stating that you prefer to work alone conveys to an employer that you don’t require much hand-holding to get the job done (which is a big bonus!). It shows that you’re a good self-manager and most likely able to meet your deadlines without the interference of other team players. The cons of working alone: Even if you prefer to work by yourself, you might be hesitant to admit it. By stating that you enjoy working solo, you might imagine that your boss-to-be is thinking that you’ll be holed up in your home office, unfriendly and unwilling to engage with your fellow colleagues. Plus, you may think that you are sending a message that you don’t like people and would prefer to work alone. Teamwork vs Individual Work: Guiding The Conversation Point out the positives of both individual work and teamwork One good way to discuss this is to incorporate the positive aspects of both options. You can say something like, “I enjoy both. I can work both on a team, and work alone. Depending on the project that needs to be done, I can work independently to complete my tasks on time, but I also enjoy brainstorming and collaborating with my colleagues.” That way, your potential boss realizes that you like a team environment, but you can also work independently, as well. Mention your preference but explain that you’re flexible (if that’s true). As stated earlier, the question of whether you prefer teamwork vs independent work could be used to determine if you’re an extrovert or an introvert- and how that personality type might potentially affect your work performance. If you’re an introvert, you can say that you generally enjoy working alone, but explain that you can also work well with others, too. For example, “I really enjoy collaborating with a team and brainstorming ideas, but that doesn’t mean I can’t work independently to get things done. For the most part, I prefer working independently in order to meet my deadlines, but enjoy collaborating in a group to spark fresh new ideas.” Cite the job description. When asked about teamwork vs individual work, cite the job description as part of your answer. You can say, “In the job description, it read that the right job candidate would be able to work independently, and that very much fits with the way I do my best work, too.” Let’s say that focusing more on either teamwork or individual work isnt implicitly stated in the job description. In that case, you should try to decide ahead of time which of these ways of working is most needed for the job, based on what you presume to know about the position. Try to understand your strengths and how you actually do prefer to work, so you can answer honestly and tactfully. If you come across this question during your job interview, keep in mind that you don’t have to choose working independently or as part of a team. If you illustrate the benefits of both working alone and on a team, your boss will see that you are a versatile job candidate who would be a great addition to their company. Want to talk through your job search and career questions with someone? Youre in luck! offers low-cost, one-on-one career coaching sessions with our experts. Learn more today! REGISTER FOR CAREER COACHING TODAY A version of this post was

Friday, November 15, 2019

10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed

10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed 10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed 10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed Looking for a job while employed and collecting a paycheck may seem like the best of both worlds, but it adds a few extra challenges that you'll need to account for. Recruiters and companies often prefer to work with still-employed candidates, since they are more likely to have up-to-date skills. However, applying for jobs while employed can spell logistical nightmare for you. Unless your boss has warned you of upcoming layoffs and has authorized you to use company time for a job search, you will have to channel your inner Jason Bourne and make your next steps stealthy. How do you successfully start looking for a job while employed?Here are some tips. 1. Update your LinkedIn profile. A recruiter or a potential employer will check your LinkedIn profile when your resume shows up. Don't wait until the last minute update your profile now! Here are a few things to consider before you jump into editing. First off, consider turning off notifications, so that your profile updates are not broadcast across your network. Second, don't tag your profile with looking for a new job your employer may be watching. Lastly, keep your listed skills updated and consistent with what you do at your current job. A dramatic change in your online profile, particularly if it does not reflect the position you currently hold, can serve as a tip-off. 2. Don't post your resume on job boards. Nothing kills a discrete job search faster than receiving 15 messages from recruiters, including three voicemails on your work phone. Don't post your resume on job boards. The best new opportunities come from networking, and the risk of missing a great job on a board is more than offset by assurance that your boss won't come across your resume online. 3. Don't drop hints. It can be frustrating and unsatisfying to stay quiet about your search. You might want to commiserate with your co-workers if an interview did not go well, or hint to your boss that you do not care about a recent reprimand because you are virtually out of there already. Fight the temptation, and keep quiet. Telling one co-worker is often the same as telling them all! This advice extends to social media. Some employers monitor Facebook and Twitter accounts of their employees. Even if they don't, you never know who is connected to whom through the virtual network. Stay away from posting job search-related updates, from the obvious Wish me luck! Heading into my second interview at ABC company this afternoon! to a more vague Something exciting is in the works! I cannot tell you now, but come back next week for an update! 4. Schedule interviews outside work hours as much as possible. You can only have so many 9 AM doctor appointments in a week before you raise suspicion! Consider breakfast and lunch meetings, or ask for a slot after work many companies will accommodate your request, especially if you are upfront about your need for discretion. If the interview is scheduled during working hours, consider taking a vacation or personal day. Some might say that calling in sick is an option, but I would advise against it. Your boss might still expect you to jump on an 11 AM conference call from home, and you would have more explaining to do. Bite the bullet, and take a day off so you won't be distracted or expected to work. 5. Stealth helps. Your ninja stealth should extend to what you wear to the office after an interview. If you show up to work in a suit and tie when you normally wear jeans and a blazer on a Friday, heads will turn and people will ask forcing you to either talk before you are ready, or lie. If your normal look is business casual (or casual), consider taking a change of clothes with you to wear after the interview or stop at home for a quick change on your way to the office. 6. Don't sabotage yourself. All too often, a job search that is meant to be undercover is revealed through self-sabotage. Don't be that person who checks out from daily responsibilities, or picks fights with a could not care less attitude. Stay focused on your work, and keep conflict at bay as much as you can. On the same note, don't use the company network or phone to look for a new job. Always assume that your employer is looking. Getting fired over inappropriate use of company resources won't help your search. 7. Don't include your co-workers or boss as references. This may sound obvious, but if you have been at your current company for a few years, it might seem natural to put down your boss's name as a reference. If the potential employer makes the call before making you an offer, you run the risk of surprising your current manager before anything is finalized. Keep in mind that reference checks are meant to be the very last step in the job search not a screening tool for recruiters and hiring managers. Protect your personal and professional network, and don't offer reference names until the end of the process. 8. Ask your prospective employer to be discreet. Most hiring managers and recruiters assume that your current employer does not know you're looking for a job while employed. I recommend being clear and specific about your need for discretion. If you are keeping your cards close to your chest, and your recruiter is unwilling to honor that preference, pick another professional to help in your search. 9. Get efficient. One of the most challenging aspects of your situation is that you have a full-time job in addition to your search. How do you find the time to dedicate to the new opportunity while staying focused and productive at work? The key to looking for a job while employed is to plan ahead and get organized. Update your online profile and resume, and create a great cover letter layout, so that you are not starting from scratch when the search begins. Whether you use a personal organizer or an app, prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and keep an up-to-date calendar to avoid double booking your appointments. 10. Don't act prematurely. Hope is not a strategy! Take deep breaths, and stay away from doing or saying anything rash just because you had a promising interview. You don't have a new job until you have received and accepted a job offer and have the signed paperwork. Anything you do or say until then must be carefully considered. In other words, searching for a job while employed requires you to tread lightly, be patient, and stay discreet. That being said, sometimes a job search reveals that grass only looks greener on the other side. If you discover how much you enjoy your current job, there is nothing wrong with calling off the search and staying where you are. The interview process would not have been a waste, because you will have earned a newfound appreciation of your short commute, interesting assignments, or a good working relationship with your boss. After all, no job is perfect and if this process helps you rediscover your passion for the parts that you love, so be it. Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free critique today! Related Articles:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

That dream job you want aint gonna land itself

That dream job you want ain't gonna land itself That dream job you want ain't gonna land itself Self-Assessment Quiz â€" True or False: I walk into work with a smile on my face. When I describe what I do to others, I have a feeling of joy. The work I do each day has some relevance to my life beyond paying bills. I believe I can have a job that I love. Welcome to the last few weeks of the year, my loves! I hope you answered all the questions above “TRUE!” If not, I’m sharing with you the mantra that I live by: “Smile at least six of your workday hours. If you aren’t then you should be working somewhere else.” Love what you do, honey, I implore you! Life is too short not to. Think about it like this: You wouldn’t stay in a bad, loveless relationship, would you? I know it happens, but you would (should) move heaven and earth to get out of a relationship that just ain’t working. Why? Because you deserve to be in a healthy, loving relationship. Same with the work that you do. You deserve to love it. Or at the very least like it an awful lot. You spend more hours at work than you do anywhere else. Why would you intentionally stay in a situation that subtracts from your joy?Now, I get it - depending on the job market, it may not be easy to just quit your job today and find another one tomorrow. But slavery ended a couple hundred years ago, honey. So now, when it comes to work, you always have a CHOICE.It may take some planning on your part, but you don’t have to stay stuck. And NO, whining about your sucky job doesn’t get you unstuck. It just means you’re too daggone lazy to do anything about it. (OUCH!)It’s easier to whine than it is to take act ion. But I really can’t stand a whiner. Neither can other people. If you are a chronic whiner about your job, people are probably avoiding the heck out of you. Not taking your phone calls. Not inviting you anywhere. Because you’re well, a Debbie Downer. (OUCH! Again.) I say this with love … girl, you gotta really get off your azz and over this “I-can’t-stand-my-job” hump because it’s driving the rest of us cray-cray!If you’ve been with me from the start of the year, you’ve right-coursed your mindset about your career aspirations. You’ve created your vision board based on your SMART goals, and you’ve started thinking about your Pink Elephants which means you have identified where you want to be, and you’ve visually demonstrated it with encouraging pics. And if you’ve downloaded my free “How to Eat Pink Elephants” guidebook, you’ve already broken all of your Pink Elephants into tiny micro-steps (or small bites as I like to call them). Now all you have t o do is move into action.That dream job ain’t gonna land itself. The resume you need won’t write itself. The promotion you desire isn’t going to pop up on its own. The contacts you need to make clearly aren’t reaching out to you of their own free will. Nope, you have to do the work, honey. I mean for Pete’s sake, who knows what your “Love Jones” job looks like better than YOU?You can always kill two birds with one stone. Be in action where you are, while simultaneously looking elsewhere. Maybe you hate your job because of the hours. ASK if they can be changed. Maybe you hate reporting to several people because you feel like your work never ends due to unending requests. ASK if you can report to just one person. Maybe you’re super irritated because you feel like you deserved a raise and were passed over in December. ASK if they will reconsider at the end of the first or second quarter. ASK what action steps you should be taking to expect the raise by the end of second quarter. And if the answers you receive to all of the above are “No, No, No and Nuthin’, Honey” … then wrap your brain around how you can change your attitude to positively exist where you are until you can physically move somewhere else.But whatever you do, don’t just sit there. MOVE toward loving what you do if you’re not already there.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor you’ve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found at

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Heres How to Contact Recruiters on LinkedIn

Here’s How to Contact Recruiters on LinkedIn Here’s How to Contact Recruiters on LinkedIn How Do You Contact Recruiters on LinkedIn? Reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn is a great way to get your name out there … as long as you do it right. If you've been searching for a job for any length of time, you already know this cold, hard truth: Searching for a job is hard. It's not always fun, and sometimes it can be downright terrifying. But although it might feel strange to be so direct, reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn is completely socially acceptable. After all, that's what the platform is for don't be shy! 93 percent of hiring managers use LinkedIn to find candidates, so this is a platform you need to take advantage of. If you're struggling with exactly how to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn, here are a few tips. Make sure you have the right person Before you can start thinking about how to approach recruiters on LinkedIn, make sure you have the right person in mind. The best way to search for recruiters is to type your industry and the word recruiter, recruiter. You can also narrow your search results by region to find local recruiters in your area. Just don't forget to make sure the recruiter is still active and hasn't moved on to a different job or field. Don't start with LinkedIn Although this may seem counterintuitive, you should make your initial point of contact on a platform other than LinkedIn, such as following a recruiter on Twitter, where he or she will receive a notification with your name. That way, when you do connect with that person on LinkedIn, they will recognize your name and face. After connecting with a recruiter outside of LinkedIn, view his or her LinkedIn profile and make sure to tweak your privacy settings to allow others to see your name and headline after you've viewed their profile. This will allow the recruiter to view your full profile in return and sometimes the recruiter might even ask to connect with you before you can request to connect with him or her. Send a personalized connection request You've reached out to a recruiter on another platform, you've viewed their LinkedIn profile, and you're finally ready to connect. But before you click that blue Connect button, wait! First, you have to figure out what to say. Adding a message to your connection requests is essential. If you get a connection request with no message from someone you've never met, do you accept it? Probably not. Including a message will give you a much better acceptance rate as you begin reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn. What's the best way to start this message? When it comes to how to contact recruiters on LinkedIn, it's essential to start out with something personal to catch their attention. Maybe you and this recruiter went to the same college, or maybe you have a mutual connection (if so, ask that person for an introduction). Your completed connection request might read something like this: Hello, John. I noticed you live in Atlanta! I grew up there, and I miss it, but I am now a financial advisor based in New York and looking for new opportunities in the finance niche. I would appreciate any guidance you could give me. Would you like to connect and speak further? Related:Your Guide to Recruiters and How to Know What's Right for You Send the recruiter your resume Once the recruiter accepts your connection request, it's time for a more direct approach via email or a LinkedIn message. Find a recruiter's email address under Contact info on his or her profile; if it's not there, send a message through LinkedIn. Send the recruiter a message describing your experience, qualifications, and what you're currently looking for in a few concise sentences, and attach your resume, too. Ask if it would make sense for the two of you to connect via phone. Stay in touch Now you know how to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn, but what happens afterward? Often, reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn won't produce results right away. You may get a response along the lines of I'll keep your resume on file, which isn't very encouraging. But you can do something to ensure you stay at the top of this recruiter's mind: stay in touch. Don't be obnoxious it's a bad idea to email the recruiter every week asking if he or she has anything for you. Instead, simply circle back every couple of months in a casual, friendly way. Maybe you come across an article about a new trend in the recruiter's industry. Send the link along with a quick note: This made me think of you. Hope you're doing well! Keeping a relaxed and warm conversation running will help a recruiter remember your name, which could lead to them thinking of you as a friendly and knowledgeable person who is always ready to help. That sounds like the kind of person a company wants to hire. Contacting recruiters on LinkedIn might seem scary, but if you stay friendly and professional throughout the process, there's no need to worry about how to approach recruiters on LinkedIn. In fact, you just might end up with a new job. Click on the following link for more networking advice. Is your resume ready for a recruiter? Check with a free, objective resume critique today! Recommended Reading: 14 Tips for Working With Recruiters Are Recruiters a Job Seeker's Friend or Foe? The Do's and Don'ts of Working With Recruiters

Monday, November 11, 2019

Customize this Boilermaker Resume

Customize this Boilermaker Resume Customize this Boilermaker Resume According to the 2016-26 outlook of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of boilermakers is projected to grow by 9 percent, with estimates of additional jobs reaching 1,500 within this period. While the job outlook remains positive, job seekers need to present a well-packaged resume to be competitive and grab positions in the highest paying industries like construction and manufacturing.Boilermaking requires a broad range of skills - including assembly, maintenance, and repair - and employers generally seek well-rounded workers, so be sure to specify your skills and provide certified documentation of your apprenticeship and training. It also helps that details of your work experiences provide a gauge of your stamina and strength, as the job is a physically demanding one.Impress prospective employers by using the boilermaker resume sample below. Create this Resume Pamela Borden2197 Pine StreetPittsburgh, PA 15212(222)-181-4664p.borden@smail.comObjectiveLooking for a job posit ion in an established manufacturing and fabrication company as a Boilermaker to expand skills and enhancement of knowledge in boilers. Summary of QualificationsAbility in operating and maintaining boilersExcellent mechanical skillsExpertise in various computer application and operating systems related to line of workKnowledge in modern boiler technologyProfessional ExperienceBoilermaker, January 2007 PresentNORESCO, US ResponsibilitiesMaintained and repaired locomotives.Operated various boiler machine tools and equipments.Performed welding tasks as necessary to complete the work.Rebuilt locomotive engines and mechanical parts.Maintained and repaired mechanical and locomotive parts.Boiler Helper, May 2004- December 2006Ellis Medicine, Schenectady, NY ResponsibilitiesLocated and marked reference points for columns and plates on foundation.Assisted the crane operator in attaching rig to lift components on a specified position.Assembled boiler frames by aligning structures or plates se ction.Performed maintenance and cleaning activities.Assisted in testing assembled vessels by pumping water or gas under specified pressure into vessels.EducationBachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, 2002Yale UniversityCustomize ResumeMore Sample Resumes:Billing Specialist Resume Blogger Resume Board Member Resume Board Of Director Resume Bodyguard Resume Boilermaker Resume Bond Trader Resume

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Possible Danger Signs on Summary Resume Examples You Must Know About

Possible Danger Signs on Summary Resume Examples You Must Know About Please get in touch with us if you would like us to add sample resumes for any particular category or whether you want to submit an example for particular category. Your resume design ought to be clean, easy-to-read and ought to draw attention to key info. As soon as you've written the most suitable content, select a design which best shows off your distinctive capabilities and fits the position you're seeking. For those who have expertise with a particular kind of software, for instance, include it in the experience section. The New Fuss About Summary Resume Examples Managers and executives should center on business skills in addition to technical expertise even should they fall into a technical industry. The primary goal of an expert summary is to create your most important abilities and experiences immediately noticeable to hiring managers. Highly relevant knowledge in a field is the very first thing emp loyers search for. There are times that you get upgraded because of previous understanding. Do not be worried if you don't have any legal experience yet. In spite of no experience, you still ought to show experience. You don't require experience to get achievements. It can be very useful if you've got no relevant experiences to speak of yet. When you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do some research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. Basically, you wish to quickly portray that you're a perfect candidate for those forms of jobs you're pursuing. Transportation jobs involve plenty of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with several of the exact skills. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Summary Resume Examples There's nobody right approach to structure a resume. Once it does, it's still true that you have to hold their focus to make it to the upcoming actions. On the flip side, if you've g ot a fairly linear or straightforward career path, the space is probably better used for extra bullet points in every single function. The Upside to Summary Resume Examples Your resume focus needs to be consistent throughout. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Functional resumes are excellent for highlighting transferable skills which will be applicable to your new field of work. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Thus, there's no need to attempt to build one resume profile or write 1 profile title that fits every position you need to submit an application for. In that case, make certain your descriptions reflect that information. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. Check to ensure you're providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets with respect to application requirements. You should make it exquisitely clear in the summary that you have what is needed t o find the business done. Locating a new job isn't just about the current moment. Too many resumes center on job responsibilities, but describing achievements is a lot more powerful. On the flip side, functional resumes are normally used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. On the flip side, once the work applicant has strong experience, there isn't any need to trust the academic training any longer and it doesn't need to get mentioned. It's possible to supplement what's on the webpage with links to your work but you need to motivate the hiring manager to take the additional step required. Everyone knows that when looking for work, the very first task you'll have to complete for a possible employer is, Send a copy of your resume. You must consider writing a bit more different resume within different jobs, a modern resume template will be quite useful in doing this. Resume objectives are occasionally regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Resume is a kind of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. Studies reveal that tailoring your resume for a particular position is considerably more powerful than sending a generic application. Accounting and finance managers may wish to see your technical understanding. You need to have five objective statements. Based on who you ask and the way you're using it, summary statements can be an entire waste of space or a whole game changer. You're going to compose a resume summary which gets far more interviews. You may want to look at a qualifications summary which we outlined in last week's postbut if only you need to have a summaryhere are some examples to help you begin. What's more, the majority of people don't bother writing an expert summary. When writing your statement, it's important to take into account where you're in your professional progression. Nonetheless, there are 3 standard elements that each and every thriving personal resume statement should incorporate.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Basic Facts of Diesel Mechanic Resume

The Basic Facts of Diesel Mechanic Resume Diesel Mechanic Resume - the Story The work of a heavy equipment technician is quite hands-on, which means you need dexterity in your hands to execute well. To commence with, you'll probably avoid the job, because companies are hence specific concerning the skill pieces they wish to get. The SES application procedure is full of potential pitfalls. At length, you'll need to get a knowledge of the way to interpret the data for electronic diagnostic equipment. In the era of technological advancements, mechanical industries are interested in finding the most effective available workers in the area. Write the remainder of your automotive technician resume first. If you would like to be a mechanic, then you've got experience. Being a real mechanic is about skill and experiencethe more you work in the area, the better you're able to comprehend any problem which gets thrown your way. The Ultimate Approach for Diesel Mechanic Resume Today , the quantity of completely free online resume templates is astonishing. Also, be sure your resume is not more than 1 page. With the aid of the template it is possible to develop a flawless resume. It is possible to use our professionally created resume templates and one-of-a-kind resume builder to swiftly and easily establish a standout resume. Who Else Wants to Learn About Diesel Mechanic Resume? Since you will compete with thousands applicants and you must make sure you may be the superb candidate for the job and you're able to start it by making a superb cover letter. Writing fantastic cover letter can take to a single step ahead of getting the specific job. Though there are as many methods to compose a cover letter since there are to skin a cat, the ideal approach is often the easiest way. There are almost as many approaches to compose a cover letter since there are jobs to apply for. If you've made a cover letter, you have the ability to test it again to be sure you don't make any mistakes. When you make a cover letter, it's necessary for you to pay attention to some specifics. You need to keep your cover letter brief, although include as much information as possible in only two or three paragraphs. In short, your job cover letter is a way to inform the people who you need to hire you why they need to hire you. If you're a particular person who's into aircraft machinery and would love to come up with a career out of it, now's the appropriate time to create an aircraft mechanic resume for straightforward profiling. These mechanics sometimes specialise in some specific elements of the engine or in some specific functions that are performed on the engine, for instance, turbochargers, cylinders, ignition systems etc.. A diesel mechanic will help to guarantee the suitable function of various vehicles. As a way to excel as a diesel technician, you'll need to understand the way to use diagnostic equipment for electronic systems, you'll also must understand how to diagnose electrical issues. If you're contemplating a career as a diesel mechanic, here are a few skills that will assist on the way. Then you can begin preparing your car mechanic resume with its help. In case you go into your very first diesel technician job with the attitude that you know everything, you're likely to fail. So, in the event the objective part of your car mechanic resume fails to impress the hirer, you might not get called for interview even if you're an excellent car mechanic. After all, the sort of work, level of work, and sometimes even complexity of work associated with being a diesel mechanic is quite different from work as a normal mechanic so it's not for everybody. Again, such a work is quite specialized, something which comes from attending school specific to develop into a diesel mechanic. No one wants to hire a person who's just desperate for work, any job. Don't forget, regardless of what the form of job that you're seeking, working at a nearby retail shop or something in prime direction, you need your resume to glow. Diesel mechanic jobs call for a particular skill set, and this isn't a career that just everyone can do. If you're looking for a job for a diesel mechanic, then you should draft a cover letter because a bulk of employers demand it with job application tod ay. Should it, see if there's a work department. You only ought to put jobs on a resume that relate to the role accessible. While SES jobs are highly coveted, they may be quite hard to attain. There are a fantastic number of standard forms of resumes used to earn application for work openings. Today, naturally, most job applications are processed online, and a wide number of them are handled through LinkedIn. A perfect selection for applicants with plenty of experience who desire to get an excellent one-page job application theme. In some instances what you would need isn't a work application format whatsoever.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Debate Over General Labor Resume

The Debate Over General Labor Resume General Labor Resume - Dead or Alive? Bear in mind you will require a cover letter to have the greatest chances of landing employment. If you are searching for a position as a general laborer, you will be considering the following resume objectives. The statement should convey the value you'll be bringing to the company if you're offered the chance to work with them. You should definitely incorporate a resume objective statement in your resume when you submit an application for a job to be certain that you could break the ice at the very first try. When choosing an employee make sure they understand the preventative measures in place to decrease the chance of fire hazards. If you're asking for a management position, you can select a few sayings by the fantastic management gurus. You should demonstrate the employer you are able to work with people. Prospective employers find it impossible to read your mind. Again, provided it isn't a business recruiter doing work for your small business, you truly don't have to take into consideration your boss learning. Nearly every job involves working on a team in some manner. Because general labor is a wide field, you're going to want to emphasize a couple of your strongest qualifications and achievements at the surface of the page to grab the reader's interest. Also indicate the sort of work environment in which you wish to be used in your career objective. With some research it's possible to learn to appropriately utilize them. If you've come up with a few innovative science projects or some exceptional project which can help to enhance the working of the present system, make sure that you mention it in your resume. Who Else Wants to Learn About General Labor Resume? Emphasize your present skill set, abilities and anyspecial machinery and equipment certifications you need to convince employers to read the remainder of your resume. You've got transferrable skills that you might not have tapped into. My abilities and abilities align perfectly with the qualifications necessary for the opening at your business. Any extra computer skills you have is only going to increase your resume. General laborers working with hazardous materials, also referred to as hazmat, must get a federal hazmat license. As an overall laborer looking for work in a manufacturing facility, you will need to impress employers with a well-targeted resume. An overall laborer's work is extremely huge and applicants can be employed to execute a massive selection of tasks based on the organization or agency he's applying for. The work of an overall laborer depends on the industry that they're working in. Construction is happening each and every day. Construction jobs could be similar. Prospective construction workers might not understand how lots of the essential skills they already have. An individual must also be in possession of a good understanding of using various construction equipments in order to be a construction laborer. Project superintendents appearing to employ a new worker will want to understand the tiny details of your previous experience, so they can understand whether you'd be a great fit. Employees generally feel that a powerful resume is sufficient to fetch them with the dream job. Entry-level construction jobs typically don't have any educational requirements, though large school-level training programs are sometimes a huge help. People working in various areas may have known of openings that would suit you. General Labor Resume Features Employing an overall laborer resume sample, like the one below, is a fantastic method to find the inspiration and assistance you need as you write. OurA Sample Resume FormatsA will help lead you through the essential requirements required for a nice and presentable resume with clear layouts which are available for print or download. Resume editing is a fundamental factor of being successful. As a way to prepare adequately, these tips will be convenient. Before you opt to submit an application for work, always make sure your CV is current.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Life, Death and Resume Headers

Life, Death and Resume Headers It's possible to have a look at our post on the best way to include things like a LinkedIn URL on a resume. Resumes aren't the place to find cute with wording. Make certain that you personalize your LinkedIn connection. USE THE KEYWORDS from the work announcement in case you have that specific skill or knowledge. Whether you choose a fancy header designed with color or bold fonts, or when you go with a conservative layout and plain look, it's important to get the header in that very first half of the very first page. Worse, a bad header can befuddle the hiring software used by several managers. Format your resume header at the peak of the webpage. The Definitive Approach to Resume Headers It is exactly like walking into an interview. Becoming in a position to easily locate the KSAs in the federal resume will make it simpler to determine that you are Best Qualified for some position. Whether you get the work largely depends on in case you satisfy all the required set by the employer and the state you reside in. In case you however it is a tough job to appear to find an interview, then you have to find out that interviewing an applicant isn't a child's play. By carefully targeting resumes for particular jobs and situations, you are able to greatly enhance your odds of getting noticed in the work industry. Not only are you going to lose your fantasy job, but the firing will cast a shadow on your upcoming job searches. This way, your resume will earn an amazing first impression whenever the hiring manager begins reading it. Their resumes want to demonstrate not merely their relationship-building abilities but also how they'll fit into the new small business setting. Because most managers spend under a minute scanning your resume, be certain the very first thing they read ties right to the work description. Several employees windup believing that their present employers discover that it's extremely challenging to give the things they would love to get and move to scan the industry place. Generally speaking, nearly all of the employers are searching for the perfect warehouse workers that are ready to throw themselves in the job free of compromise of efficiency and safety. The majority of the employers are looking for dedicated, reliable, and expert employees who know the actual significance of the term professionalism. Any detail you may offer in explanation will provide help. Make sure that you don't simply repeat language from different sections of your resume. The Education section will change based on the degree of education attained. The work experience section will likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. Place your email address close to your phone number where it is easily found. Your name ought to be among the focal points on your resume. Note you don't will need to incorporate the term residence or house in the front of the telephone number. Your resume must make them obvious. Life, Death and Resume Headers A career objective is a good means to begin a resume for some folks, but might not qualify as the best means for you. Now, the recruiter can't get in contact with you even if they're interested! Consider it as the personal letterhead at the very top of your professional resume. Instead, you would like to move your most impressive accomplishments to the peak of your resume. It's ideal which you're only hired on the grounds of your professional expertise. Writing a career change resume is about creating a photo of how you are interested in being perceived by a prospective employer. You may even consist of unrelated experiences, as you never understand what unique background an employer could possibly be on the lookout for. Because you will probably have little if any expert experience, don't hesitate to fill your education section with a plethora of information.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Number One Article on Formet Resume

The Number One Article on Formet Resume To sum up, when applying for work at a call center, obtaining the correct set of skills is critical. Interest or skills section is the most crucial and difficult area of the writing. Write down the skills you're sure of and those which you possess. It's very essential to know the type of resumes preferred by the establishment that you wish to work for. However confident you might be in your Japanese abilities, it's always a great idea to run your resume by a close friend who's a native speaker and also has experience writing resumes. The very last thing you would like to do is receive a job that you can't do. It's quite difficult for a fresher to have a job, so probably everything is dependent on the particular's resume. It's cool that you're searching for a job to have some money, but you need some difficulties with resume. There is an assortment of advantages of employing the simple resume formats. Frequently, the application instructions for a specific position will state if it's the CV or resume is requested. If your application needs a cover letter then you may use the cover letter template. Word Resume templates are complete with the whole outline structure and the majority of the content that produces way for a powerful resume in an issue of only two or three minutes. Resume Templates also be certain you don't miss out any handy part of information about yourself which can be important for the firm. Again the template asks you to compose the furigana at stake above. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for more use. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for several reasons. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward format. Part of creating an effective resume is choosing the most suitable format to inform your private story. Just make sure, whichever format you pick, which you're targeting it for the job which you're applying to. Whichever format you select, it should make you become selected for the job you're applying for. The History of Formet Resume Refuted In an Internship Resume, an individual must pen down all of the training and abilities which were given to the candidate. You only ought to put jobs on a resume that are related to the role accessible. Zety's resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. It is possible to say that's quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. In truth, it's not a great idea to provide it even voluntarily, as it may make employers or schools feel uncomfortable on account of the possible discriminatory implications. You may also leave off any jobs that are entirely unrelated to the job that you desire. As with other creative resumes, it isn't meant for the majority of employers, so you might want to get a traditionally formatted resume on hand to complement it. Employers wish to know precisely what you did or learned so they know what you need to offer as an employee. Working in a company for a definite period of time is merely as natural that you learn new abilities and test your limits. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. If work experience isn't your key highlight or whether you've got an inconsistent work history, its best advisable to start your resume with your qualifications. Gaining working experience is crucial in desi gning your resume.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Instant Solutions to Skills-based Resume in Easy to Follow Step by Step Format

Instant Solutions to Skills-based Resume in Easy to Follow Step by Step Format Whispered Skills-based Resume Secrets Speaking of unique, the principal target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). Most people today look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. You're able to display your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge you've got. Understanding how to start can be the largest challenge and looking at examples can be quite valuable. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. Make it immediately apparent that you have what is needed to excel within her position. Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will explain to you how! Your job (while you're attempting to find a job) is to be certain you fit what they're searching for. Ruthless Skills-based Resume Strategies Exploited As you are competing with job seekers who've been on steady career tracks, do what's vital to compete successfully. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. If you've worked for just 1 employer in the past decade or more, show your recent promotions. Be certain to include quantifiable info to truly drive home how valuable you can be to a possible employer. The Nuiances of Skills-based Resume Actually, you should be aware that a great deal of companies these days are using Appli cant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. Sales is much like customer service as salespeople can be effective in an assortment of industries. A stylist may want to concentrate on special treatments they've learned and a retail associate might need to display their merchandising expertise. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. You need to not just catch the hiring manager's eyeyou should make sure they look over your statement and say Whew! Well, that and whether you really want to have that job. If you're attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If you're targeting work within the defense business, don't hesitate to use military jargon. The sales and marketing business is one predicated on your capacity to sell goods or services to the general public. The health care industry can be quite competitive. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the very same skills. It is one of the most challenging industries to work in. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Be sure the skills are related to the job which you desire. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. If you're targeting work beyond the defense arena, you'll need to civilianize'' your military language to demonstrate your abilities and experience match the employer's needs. Its high-quality PSD file is completely customizable. The upcoming free resume template was made in the shape of a brochure. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. If you're searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, take a look at our completely free downloadable templates. Resume is a sort of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. You should commit time into each application and make certain that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job which you're applying to. Resume objectives are from time to time regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. For instance, you're likely not likely to send a creative resume if you're asking for a job for a court clerk or a shipping driver. For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. If you're uncertain how to phrase your skills, or in case you desire examples of objective statements, see some job websites for ideas. If you wish to showcase your organization skills, obtaining a tightly structured resume certainly helps.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Careers Resumes Options

Careers Resumes Options The Tried and True Method for Careers Resumes in Step by Step Detail Your continued career success is significant to us. If you are beginning your career, or whether you are changing career fields, you may consider a different resume type. By highlighting skills as opposed to work history, an individual can emphasize he or she's qualified for the job. The ideal way to land your next great career opportunity or advance your present career track is via personal branding. Think of ways to condense your work and life experience into easy, straightforward phrases. If possible, have someone from your campus career office, or maybe an alumnus in the specialty that you want to know more about, look at your resume to make sure you have included as much pertinent information as possible. The complete college experience permeates all facets of the campus community to come up with the overall individual. Rather than having a work history section at the very top of your resume, you may have an expert experience or accomplishments section that lists various skills you have developed over time. Who Else Wants to Learn About Careers Resumes? There is nobody right method to construct a resume! If you register for over 1 review on precisely the same day, we'll cancel repeat appointments without notice. There are a few things that don't belong on a resume for work. Instead, think about using a hybrid resume that lists your abilities and achievements. If you're interested in working for a specific company, be certain to stop by their site. If you would like to be noticed and placed at the peak of the Resume pile, you want a competitive and targeted resume that STANDS OUT. Quite often, your professional title is the very first thing on your resume following your name. At the peak of the resume is a list of someone's skills and qualifications. Keywords included should be determined by the work advertisement for the position to which you're applying. When it has to do with boosting your resume, not all jobs are made equal. Successful job search is about differentiation. Should you do a google search for jobs at Wal-Mart, you will observe many websites which won't actually let you submit an application for a job. By carefully targeting resumes for particular jobs and situations, you're able to greatly improve your odds of getting noticed in the work industry. Because the job is the thing that makes you a fantastic developer, a developer businesses wish to employ. Attempt to compose a targeted resume for every single job. Explain why you're interested in the job and the organisation. Recruiters are busy folks. Employers wish to realize that you have what it requires to be successful at work. They are searching for you now! The Ultimate Approach for Careers Resumes For instance, an applicant might have a telephone interview and then an in-person interview. Always take the chance to submit a cover letter if you're given the opportunity. Each cover letter ought to be tailored to the job you're applying for. Developing a compelling resume and cover letter can be hard, but you don't need to do it alone. Sample resumes are commonly available online, including Twitter, and often are available in the About Us' section of several company and professional sites. Stay focused on relevance instead of volume. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. The Tried and True Method for Careers Resumes in Step by Step Detail Employers are seeking the proper individuals, both with regard to qualifications and personali ty, so show your very best side. Job opportunities should be useful in the managing of businesses and enterprises industry as organizations continue to use outside firms to aid with a few of their human resources functions. Human resources managers have to be able to balance the strengths and weaknesses of unique options and choose the best plan of action. Recruiting managers for insurance positions will want to learn about your sales and analysis abilities as well as a bit about your comprehension of the business. It is also helpful for individuals that are new to the workforce, have limited work experience, or that have a gap in their employment. The Relevance Principle If your present career is in a totally different industry or is unlike the previous careers regarding job responsibilities and abilities, then including your previous careers aren't going to advance your case at the work interview. The knowledge your efforts really make a difference in the lives of over 25,000 individuals each year makes WellLife Network the perfect setting to place your talents to do the job. Several organizations provide certifications for phlebotomists.